1-Day IEP Training for every need!
Build a Better IEP®️Courses
On-demand IEP training at your fingertips

You need a guide to show you how to get started or make your child's IEP better. You’d love insider tips to EXPLAIN the process to give you choices. You want to sit down with an advocate to show you how things get done fast.

You want to make sense of everything to help your child. You want a school psychologist to SHOW what reports mean so that you can participate like a pro. You need an advocate to help you find every bit of data.

Up until now, communication with your school has been a headache. You want an EXPERT to show you what to ask for and how to get it. You need help with your requests and responses. You want an ADVOCATE to help you participate like a pro, without stress.

IEPs have been a continual mess for a while. You feel alone on the team, and it makes you insane! What's said and what's actually written down never match up. You want to be FULLY prepared for meetings. You need an advocate to show the way.